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Accessory Collection 

Accessory Mounting Accessory 

Cabinet & Tape Mounting Accessories 

Size:0.5" W x 0.25" H x 0.5" L

A small yet robust connector that complements our 4T and 6T Series tape lights perfectly. Creating hassle free and solid connection points, the Tape to Supply Lead Terminal Block Connector comes with lead wire and is a great fit for even the most demanding installations.   



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Rock guard for LED In-ground Lights in BlackRock guard for LED In-ground Lights in Black

Accessory Accessory

15787BK (Black)

6" W x 1.75" H x 6" LLED Landscape Accessories

Tape to Supply Terminal Block Connector on a white backgroundProduct 1TBTWSCLR

Accessory Mounting Accessory


0.5" W x 0.25" H x 0.5" LCabinet & Tape Mounting Accessories


CoolTouch Transmitter Full Function White on a white background

Accessory Ceiling Fan Control System

337009WHTR (White)

2.75" W x 5.5" H


CoolTouch™ Transmitter Limit Function on a white backgroundProduct image of 337214

Accessory Ceiling Fan Control System

337214TR (White Material (Not Painted))

2.75" W x 5.5" H


65K CoolTouch™ Transmitter Limited Function White on a white background

Accessory Ceiling Fan Control System

370005WHTR (White)

2.75" W x 5.5" H


CoolTouch™ Transmitter Full Function White on a white background

Accessory Ceiling Fan Control System

370006WHTR (White)

2.75" W x 5.5" H


6 Speed DC CoolTouch™ Transmitter White on a white backgroundProduct 371075WHTR - remote only

Accessory Ceiling Fan Control System

371075WHTR (White Material (Not Painted))

2.75" W x 5.5" H


CoolTouch™ Handheld Control System Limited Function White on a white background

Accessory Ceiling Fan Control System

371082 (Other Finishes)

2.75" W x 4.5" H


CoolTouch™ Handheld Control System White on a white background

Accessory Ceiling Fan Control System

371085 (Other Finishes)

2.75" W x 4.5" H


The 36 inch heavy duty square chain in polished nickel on a white background

Accessory Chain

4902PN (Polished Nickel)

1" W x 36" LAccessory Chain